Database languages are specialized programming languages used for interacting with databases. They provide a means to define, manipulate, and query data stored in a database. Here are some commonly used database languages: 

1. SQL (Structured Query Language): -

                                                                SQL is the most widely used language for interacting with relational databases. It allows users to define the structure of the database, manipulate data, and retrieve information using powerful query capabilities. SQL is declarative, meaning users specify what they want to accomplish, and the database engine determines how to execute the query. 

2. PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language): -

                                                                                                      PL/SQL is Oracle's proprietary extension to SQL. It is a procedural language that allows users to write procedural code blocks, such as stored procedures, functions, and triggers, to perform complex operations on the database. PL/SQL supports looping, conditional statements, exception handling, and other programming constructs.

 3. T-SQL (Transact-SQL):- 

                                           T-SQL is Microsoft's extension to SQL used with Microsoft SQL Server. It includes additional features beyond standard SQL, such as procedural programming constructs, local variables, error handling, and various system functions. T-SQL is commonly used for developing stored procedures, triggers, and other database objects.

 4. PL/pgSQL: -

                      PL/pgSQL is a procedural language used with the PostgreSQL database. It is similar to PL/SQL and provides capabilities for writing stored procedures, functions, and triggers within PostgreSQL.

 5. NoSQL Query Languages:-

                                               NoSQL databases, which are non-relational databases, often provide their own query languages specific to their data models. Examples include MongoDB's query language (based on JSON-like syntax), Cassandra Query Language (CQL), and Couchbase's N1QL (SQL-like query language for JSON documents). 

6. Object Query Languages: -

                                            Object-oriented databases and object-relational databases have their own query languages that support object-oriented concepts. Examples include OQL (Object Query Language) and ODMG Query Language.

 It's important to note that while SQL is the most widely used and standardized database language, each database management system may have its own proprietary language or extensions to SQL to enhance functionality and meet specific requirements. Understanding the database language associated with a particular DBMS is essential for effective database management and application development